In this article, we’ll learn how to determine the number of AAC Blocks, cement, and sand necessary for a 7-meter-long, 3.2-meter-high, and 0.15-meter-wide AAC Block Wall. A mortar joint with a cement-to-sand ratio of 1:4 has been installed on the block wall. 625 mm x 240 mm x 150 mm AAC block

Let’s First Calculate for 1 cum Blockwork.

Volume of Block work = 1 cum.

Size of Blocks = 625 mm x 240 mm x 150 mm.

Volume of One AAC Block without mortar = 0.625 m x 0.24 m x 0.15 m = 0.0225 cum.

Number of AAC Block Required without Mortar = (Volume of Block Work)/ (Volume of AAC Block without Mortar)

                                                                             = 1/ (0.0225) = 44.44 Nos.

Add 5 mm thickness mortar joint, Hence

Size of AAC Block = 630 mm x 245 mm x 155 mm.

Volume of AAC Block with mortar = 0.63 m x 0.245 m x 0.155 m = 0.0239 cum

Number of AAC Blocks Required with Mortar = (Volume of lock Work)/ (Volume of AAC Block with Mortar)

= 1 – (0.0225 x 42) = 0.055 cum.

Therefore we need 42 Blocks and 0.055 cum Cement Mortar for 1 Cum Blockwork.

Now we also have to find how much cement and how much quantity of sand is needed for 0.055 cum of Mortar.

Wet volume of Cement Mortar = 0.055 cum.

Dry Volume of Mortar = 0.055 x 1.33 = 0.07315 cum.

C: S Ratio = 1:4

Cement Calculation

Cement in Cum = (Volume of Mortar x Ratio of Cement) / (Sum of Ratio)

             = (0.07315 x 1) (1+4) = 0.07315/5 = 0.01463 m3

Cement in Kilogram = 0.01463 x 1440 = 21.0672 Kg.

Cement in Bag = 21.0672 / 50 = 0.43 Bags.

Sand Calculation

Sand in cum = (Volume of Mortar x Ratio of sand) / (Sum of Ratio)

             = (0.07315 x 6) /(1+4) = 0.4389/5 = 0.08778 m3

In Short for 1 Cum Block work we need,

Blocks= 42 Nos.

Cement = 0.43 Bags

Sand = 0.08778 cum.

Now Consumption of Material for Block wall of Size 7 m Long, 3.2 m Height and 0.15 Width

Volume of Block wall = 7 x 3.2 x 0.15 = 3.36 cum.

Therefore, the consumption of Material shall be such that;

Cement = 0.43 Bags x 3.36 = 1.45 Bags.

Sand = 0.08778 cum x 3.36 = 0.3 cum.

Blocks o= 42 Blocks x 3.36 = 142 Nos.